Friday, May 29, 2020

Should All Automobiles be banned to Reduce Pollution - 275 Words

Should All Automobiles be banned to Reduce Pollution? (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorSubjectDateShould All Automobiles be banned to Reduce Pollution?With the threat of global warming, climate change and related natural disasters like flooding becoming more serious in the 21st century, it is necessary that national government take drastic measure to curb environmental pollution. Banning all automobiles, however, is unpractical it will ruin national economies by halting the movement of people, raw materials, and finished products.Banning all automobiles would undoubtedly minimize pollution by reducing the amount of exhaust fumes released into the atmosphere. Such a policy, however, is unpractical. Land transport is responsible for the movement of over 80 percent of traffic passengers and 70 percent of freight traffic (Henderson-Sellers and McGuffie 351). In North America, trucks carry 80 percent of all cargo that passes through Mexico, the U.S., and Canada (Carbaugh 4). The implication of these statistics is that banning all automobiles wi ll result in over 80 percent of workers not getting to their places of work, and 70 percent of raw materials and goods not getting to their destinations. As a result, business activities will come to a complete halt due to lost labor and businesses finding it impossible to transport raw materials to industries and haul finished products to the market.The ideal solution to the problem of pollution is minimizing carbon gas emissions by promoting public transport and clean sources of energy. Governments can promote public transport through tax incentives to employers who provide free transport for workers. This could encourage people to use company transport, thereby reducing the number of vehicles on the roads. Additionally, investing new technologies can help to invent hybrid vehicles that run on solar energy, and reduce the levels of vehicular carbon emissions.In conclusion, environmental pollution is a serious problem that can lead to climate change and trigger natural calamities. Banning all automobiles to reduce pollution is inappropriate because it will result in economic stagnation by hindering the movement of people to work, raw materi...

Monday, May 18, 2020

The World Of Economy, By Steven Levitt And Stephen Dubner

In the world of economy, conventional knowledge of every-day situations are challenged by those through an amoral approach which often provides controversial explanations for human actions, and behaviours. But when we eliminate values to human behaviour, economists are able to take an objective view to understand the approach; humans take in order to maximize their desires (McKenzie, Tullock, 1975). The strongest possible predictive statement used by economists to explain human behaviour is the law of demand, which explains that when price of an object increases the quantity demanded decreases and vice versa (McKenzie, Tullock, 1975). Everyone strives to maximize their satisfaction and reaching their fullest amount through the pros and cons of information, personal incentives, and ways to overcome social, biological, and environmental restraints to acquire their goals. From the ability of researching and understanding statistics, Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, authors of Freakonom ics, prove to the readers that humans are rational beings, and are aware of the benefits and costs of their actions, and that our actions are motivated, and connected by personal motivations or incentives. In the first chapter of Freakonomics, Levitt and Dubner focus on that the reaction of cheating is that humans demonstrate in response to incentives. The basics of economics are that positive and negative implications of incentives that people respond to throughout their entire lives (Levitt,Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Freakonomics 1027 Words   |  5 Pagesauthor, genre, and date of original publication. Freakonomics is the title of this nonfiction book; it was written by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. On April 12, 2005, by HarperCollins. 2. What is author’s purpose for writing the book? Write a paragraph summarizing the main argument or purpose. In this unique book, economist Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, an award-winning author and journalist team up to create a powerful and freakish work that challenges the typical rulesRead MoreChapter 3 : Conventional Wisdom1091 Words   |  5 PagesChapter 3: Conventional Wisdom Freakonomics was one of the best novels that I have ever read! I am truly amazed at how Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner compared their study and research to the economy that we live in today. Out of all of the chapters in Freakonomics, Chapter 3: Conventional Wisdom, is the one that stood out the most. This particular topic relates to the world in many different ways. Conventional wisdom is often wrong. Conventional wisdom can be described as the ideas or beliefsRead MoreFreakonomics Chapter11068 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Incentives are the cornerstone of modern life†(Levitt and Dubner 12). Levitt and Dubner once mentioned in their book â€Å"Freakonomics†. According to Oxford dictionary, incentives are something tends to incite to action or greater effort, as a reward offered for increased productivity (â€Å"incentives†). In business field, incentives are something given by bosses to encourage their employees to endeavour in bringing benefits to their business. For a simple example, the employee who hits the monthly or yearRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Freakonomics By Steven D. Levitt1195 Words   |  5 PagesIn the book Freakonomics, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, is made up of a series of scenarios in which an economist and a journalist apply basic principles of economics to demonstrate that information can often expose interesting truths about how the world operates. It uses the science of economics and specific data to challenge our assumptions about everything. In the book Freakonomics by Levitt Dubner, compares and contrasts two groups of people or things by using their informationalRead MoreFreakonomics : A Rogue Economist1538 Words   |  7 PagesEconomist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. Freakonomics is the result of a partnership between an award winning economist, Steven D. Levitt, and a journalist, Stephen J. Dubner. The duo decided upon making a book after Dubner was given an assignment to profile Levitt. Dubner realized that Levitt took a different approach to economics than other economists and he saw that Levitt had an interesting and effective way to explain statistics. This pushed the two to release the 315 page book to the publicRead MoreFreakonomics and Misconceptions of Economy Essay1244 Words   |  5 Pagesunravel the untold stories of life. Steven D. Lev itt and Stephen J. Dubner break common misconceptions of economics by revealing its true science. Freakonomics shatters the view of economics being an arid study of finance and markets. They pull in information to make inferences on past occurrences subtly influence on the present. Freakonomics packs punches with its countless number of tables and figures, serving as concrete data to make their assumptions. Levitt Dubner in the beginning identify theRead MoreApplication of Freakonomics to Project Management1806 Words   |  8 Pagesof Freakonomics and Application to Project Management November 2010 Project Management Summary The idea to write Freakonomics began in 2003 when journalist and award winning author Stephen Dubner wrote a profile of economist Steven Levitt for the New York Times Magazine. At the time, Levitt, an Economics professor at the University of Chicago, was focusing his research efforts on answering unique and sometimes controversial questions concerning topics such as crime, corruption, educationRead MoreThe Book Freakonomics By Steven D. Levitt2418 Words   |  10 PagesFreakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner consists of a series of essays in which a journalist and an economist work collectively to find, by applying everyday economic principles, how the world truly works, which reveals some fascinating truths about the world. Some background history of the authors, Steven D. Levitt interviewed Stephen J. Dubner for New York Times Magazine and this is where they initially met and became good friends. With them having similar ideals about the world in an economicR ead MoreThesis Of Freakonomics1352 Words   |  6 PagesAuthor name: Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner The author Steven Levitt studied economics at Harvard University and MIT. He is primarily known for his work in the field of crime. The title Freakonomics means a study of economics based on the principles of incentives. The title is related to the book since he emphasizes how incentives drive and affect people’s actions. Although this book does not have a single theme, the main focus of the book is a new way of interpreting the world using economicRead MoreSuperfreakonomics a Personal Review1834 Words   |  8 PagesAbout The Book. â€Å"One of the most powerful laws in the universe is the law of unintended consequences† (Levitt, S. 2009) This is one of the primarily premises that the book establishes, with an extraordinary sense of humor and interesting data, Steven and Stephen set us in the real economics world, in which the common factors that all the teachers show to their students are applied in such a way that the real job is getting done. The way the authors write all the interesting facts of today ´s modern

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Eco-Friendly Kitchen Dishwasher or Hand Washing

Dishwashers are the way to go if you comply with two simple criteria:  Run a dishwasher only when it’s full, and don’t rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, says John Morril, of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, who also advises against using the dry cycle. The water used in most dishwashers is hot enough, he says, to evaporate quickly if the door is left open after the wash and rinse cycles are complete. Dishwashers More Efficient Than Hand Washing Scientists at the University of Bonn  in Germany who studied the issue found that the dishwasher uses only half the energy, one-sixth of the water, and less soap than hand-washing an identical set of dirty dishes. Even the most sparing and careful washers could not beat the modern dishwasher. The study also found that dishwashers excelled in cleanliness over hand washing. Most dishwashers manufactured since 1994 use seven to 10 gallons of water per cycle, while older machines use eight to 15 gallons. Newer designs have also improved dishwasher efficiency immensely. Hot water can now be heated in the dishwasher itself, not in the household hot water heater, where heat gets lost in transit. Dishwashers also heat only as much water as needed. A standard 24-inch-wide household dishwasher is designed to hold eight place settings, but some newer models will wash the same amount of dishes inside an 18-inch frame, using less water in the process. If you have an older, less-efficient machine, the Council recommends hand washing for the smaller jobs and saving the dishwasher for the dinner party’s aftermath. Energy-Efficient Dishwashers Save Money New dishwashers that meet strict energy and water-saving efficiency standards can qualify for an Energy Star label from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Besides being more efficient and getting the dishes cleaner, qualifying newer models will save the average household about $25 per year in energy costs. Like John Morril, the EPA recommends always running your dishwasher with a full load and avoiding the inefficient heat-dry, rinse-hold and pre-rinse features found on many recent models. Most of the appliance’s energy used goes to heat the water, and most models use just as much water for smaller loads as for larger ones. And propping the door open after the final rinse is quite adequate for drying the dishes when the washing is done. Edited by Frederic Beaudry

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Free Application For Federal Student Aid - 1967 Words

College fees are rising, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to finance higher education. States across the board are increasing tuition to help pay for operating costs. Do not fret, though, because with diligence and sacrifice, and a lot of leg work, paying for college should not be a barrier to your education. Federal Aid The first step is filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA ). The application has federal, state, and possible college specific deadlines. You can inquire about deadlines here. There are two types of loans available in addition to things like federal Pell grants. These loans are subsidized by the government, so you won t find the same difficulties as you would applying for a normal loan. Also, interest rates are lower. Subsidized Stafford loan - A loan for which the government pays the interest while you are in school, during grace periods, and during any deferment periods. Unsubsidized Stafford loan - A loan for which you are res ponsible for paying all the interest that accrues from the date of the first disbursement until the loan is paid in full. If you are not a US citizen or eligible noncitizen, you cannot receive federal student aid. But there are other options that can help pay for your schooling. State Grants Individual states also offer money for education. States have a vested interest in educating its residents. Grants do not necessarily have to be paid back, but they may have a service agreement attached.Show MoreRelatedThe Free Application For Federal Student Aid1606 Words   |  7 Pagesto ensure each child has the opportunity to attend college and meet their educational goals. I will first discuss the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) of applying for and determining available financial aid and compare and contrast that methodology to that of the Institutional Method (IM). I will then analyze other forms of financial aid such as grants or student loans and how they may appl y to this family. I will also research and analyze savings strategies and vehicles to maximizeRead MoreBenefits Of Paying College Cost1291 Words   |  6 Pagesmethods you can use when it comes to paying for your college cost. You can use financial aid, federal grants, private student loans, college work study, and you can also even try to make a good score on your ACT so that you can have many colleges to choose from that will give you a scholarship. All of these ways will either pay some or may even pay all of your college cost. Most family’s first choice is financial aid because it is a major source for college financing. For fasfa requirements include thatRead MoreGraduation Speech : College Tuition1634 Words   |  7 Pagesmore students are going to college than ever before. Most people push for free tuition for all community colleges and universities; however that is not a viable request Someone is going to have to foot the bill in the end. Multiple nations around the globe are also having difficulty finding a functioning price tag for a college degree. The history of tuition starts in 1862, when Congress passed the Morrill Act. The act established tuition-free land granted public universities. Tuition was free or almostRead MoreEssay On Financial Aid1689 Words   |  7 Pages$1,590-$15,160 in 1987 all the way up to $3,570-$34,740 in 2017. While the expense of education is growing, financial aid is often a valuable tool to help college students manage the rising cost. With a plethora of options available, it can be overwhelming to learn about each one as well as their own shortcomings. Luckily, this guide is here to completely inform about financial aid, and as daunting as it seems, it boils down to three categories: scholarships, grants, and loans. That said, before thisRead MoreEssay about Information about Financial Aid1063 Words   |  5 PagesFinancial Aid Financial aid is money in the form of loans, grants and employment that is available to a student to help pay the cost of attending. Financial aid comes from the federal government, which is the largest provider of aid, as well as state government, the school and a variety of other public and private sources. If you think your educational expenses are more than you and your family can afford, you should apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)Read MoreThe Importance Of Higher Education1516 Words   |  7 PagesDuring high school, many students begin to debate the significance of a higher education and question the importance of obtaining a college degree. However, attaining a college education offers opportunities for graduates that can not be received without it. Unlike previous generations, students who graduate high school today are not able to acquire the several well-paying jobs that were once offered. Today, graduating college compares to the importance of graduating high school decades ago. AmericaRead MoreSchool Profile : Davenport University Essay1024 Words   |  5 PagesMichigan and offers students residence halls, athletic programs and student organizations. Davenport University also has an excellent online degree program. Davenport University was founded in 1866 and only offered a limited number of degrees. Today, Davenport University offers online and on-campus diplomas, Associate s, Bachelor s and Master s degrees. They also offer post-grad certification programs in business, technology and health care. There are around 13,000 enrolled students spread throughoutRead MoreUniversity Of Washington Research Paper906 Words   |  4 PagesTimes Higher Education world university rankings for 2017. Over 54,000 students are enrolled at UW each year and 6659 students devolting in university-sponsored public service today. With 16 colleges and schools providing 1,800 undergraduate courses each quarter confering more than 12,000 bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and professional degrees annually, UW has renowned as a multi-camplus university and academic medical center. Students who are seeking to accomplish their educational dreams will definitlyRead MoreShould College Tuition Be Paid?1687 Words   |  7 Pagesyear, the only thing students seem to hear about is college. They have to attend tours, fill out application after application and decide what school will be best for them as a person and their career path. But what most people seem to stress over more than anything else is being able to actually pay for college. College tuition is high in price and increases every year, making it almost impossible for students to graduate without extreme debt. There are scholarships, financial aid, and loans to helpRead MoreEssay On The Cost Of Higher Education963 Words   |  4 Pagesthe financial aid process and the different ways to assist and maximize funding to students. The U. S. Department of Education’s website provided resources and information on the different types of financial aid that the federal government provided. This paper discussed the availability of loans to students, repayment plans, acce ssibility of the application process, support for applicants with questions or concerns, ease of information retrieval, and how institutional financial aid budget directors

Conflict Between The Social Construction Of Masculinity...

â€Å"Tough Guise† examines the relationship between the social construction of masculinity and the images we see in mass media and popular culture. The central theme in Katz’s arguments in Tough Guise revolves around the notion: violence in America is a gendered associated phenomenon, and in order for us to understand violence, we must focus on its relationship to our culture and ideals of â€Å"masculinity†. In this documentary, Katz argues, Masculinity is created; it doesn’t just exist– as opposed to one’s biological sex. He also argues that media is the primary feeder and that it also plays a crucial role in making and shaping the way manhood culture is and personal attitudes about manhood. After evaluating media images of manhood, it is clear to see that the media contributes to the widespread equation of masculinity with pathological control and violence toward our people. After examining the constructed ideals of manhood, exactly how, why and in whose interests they are constructed differently in, it denaturalizes and diminishes the potential of these imagined ideals of men to shape our perceptions of our world, each other and ourselves. The idea that manhood represents a fixed, inevitable; some natural state of being is a myth. It is a twist in its origin: Men created the concept of â€Å"masculinity† in order to cage himself in it. What became a norm for â€Å"masculinity† in a society is largely a made cultural frame, not something a male’s shared trait. One way to understand theShow MoreRelatedCommon Masculine Themes of Superheroes Explained in Complex Masculinities: The Superhero in Modern American Movies1256 Words   |  6 PagesComplex Masculinities: The Superhero in Modern American Movies attempts to encapsulate the essential elements that make masculinities complex by means of mass media. The question of where and why superheroes have held such a salient position in the last decade is aroused when it is media who is the deciding factor in institutionalizing masculinity. When looking at the surface of a superhero movie, dominant hegemonic characteristics are the epitome of the superhero and reflect the roles and valuesRead MoreThe Patriarchal System Essay1749 Words   |  7 Pagesto explore patriarchal values that reinforce violence towards women in intimate partner relationships. This paper argues that patriarchy and the social construction of masculinity reproduce male violence against women. The following sub-issues that that will be discussed are patriarchy, capitalism, the religion of Islam, and the construction of masculinity and femininity. All the sub-issues encompass patriarchy values which allows inmate partner violence. Patriarchy First and foremost, patriarchyRead MoreMale Masculinity : Gender Roles2013 Words   |  9 PagesMale Masculinity in Media Male gender roles in contemporary media that are negatively portrayed through masculinity greatly effects the physical, psychological, and behavioral image of men. The social construct of masculinity in society and its relationship to males is generally reflected in male media consumption. The popular concept of women’s feminine image in the media is vastly overshadowed and more predominantly acceptable in subtle society in comparison to male’s image of masculinity. AdvertisingRead MoreGender Representations in Macbeth - William Shakespeare1623 Words   |  7 PagesThe play Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, explores an abundant of encounters to the rigid gender representation demonstrated in the play. The play revolves around the questioning of femininity and masculinity, allowing us to explore how certain characters equivocate the definition of gender to please their favour and how each gender identities are created for persuasion of the natural order that corresponds to the traditional order - Lady Macbeth and Macbeth exploit and redefine gender ideologyRead MoreAnalysis Of Alan Moore And Dave Gibbons Watchmen1602 Words   |  7 Pagesthey simultaneously come to reflect the flaws and horrors created by those ideologies. Touching on ethics, politics, and broader social relations, Moore and Gibbons’ sprawling gaze takes into account the largest and smallest locations of the social construction of meaning, including gender and sex uality. In this paper I will explore the extent of the connection between the concept of the superhero and the ideals of hypermasculinity, and make the case that the imperfect ‘superheroes’ in Moore’s WatchmenRead MoreElizabeth Gaskell s Construction Of The Ideal Man2331 Words   |  10 Pages In Victorian Britain, monumental changes were occurring in regards to class structure and gender ideals due to social and economic changes sparked by the Industrial Revolution. These changes caused a new image of masculinity to emerge. The concept of masculinity came to embody a new ideal, self-made man, measured by advances based on personal success rather than birthright(M19). It was expected that men were to exude manly toughness and independent spirit while providing the financial support andRead MoreWhat Do We Mean By The Social Construction Of Gender? Essay2270 Words   |  10 PagesWhat do we mean by the ‘social construction’ of gender? The construction of gender has always been a controversial issue. We tend to think that gender is developed through a natural process as we experience it everyday, while it shapes us unconsciously into who we are, to how we think and why we do certain things in a considered gender-appropriate manner. From a sociological point of view, according to Macionis and Plummer’s study, cultural meanings about what is considered masculine and feminineRead MoreSurviving The Wars : Binary Disintegrations Of Homosociality And Homosexuality3237 Words   |  13 PagesRobinet December 4, 2014 Surviving The Wars: Binary Disintegrations of Homosociality and Homosexuality An overarching social paradox is inherent in the way Canadian citizens internalize the notion of civic duty; while violent participation in the Great War is lauded as personal and national achievement, post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from significant trauma, physical or social, is also recognized as an integral part of the military consciousness. Veterans experience grief as a result of theRead MoreTo The Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf Essay1237 Words   |  5 PagesThe opening scene of To The Lighthouse between Mr Ramsay and Mrs Ramsay displays the gender division that flows throughout this passage highlighting Woolf’s own perspective on society and sexuality between genders. Woolf supports the belief in a complete change to society resulting in a non – hierarchical society. Woolf felt for this to happen aside from the practical changes, that a radical redefinition of sexuality was also needed. The novel focuses on sexual issues of the twentieth century centr alRead MoreThe Race Of American History1490 Words   |  6 PagesAmerican. As early as the first wave of Asian immigrants, Chinese immigrants, arrived in west coast, Asian Americans was haunted by anti-Asian movement and intense hostility. Foreign Miners’ Tax passed in 1852 was a representative of racial campaign between whites and nonwhites. The requirement of monthly three dollars’ tax intentionally crashed the earliest American Dream of Chinese immigrants who expected to lead a better life in the US. Such Anti-Asian movement was eventually ushered into legalized

Internet Piracy free essay sample

Internet Piracy has become a worldwide phenomenon. In the U. S. Alone more than 100 songs are downloaded every minute. With this growing problem, 3 main groups suffer. The recording artist suffers financially, the ARIA (The Recording Association of America) also suffers financially and finally the downloaded suffers if caught. This catch 22 tool has been a thorn In the side of technology since Its Introduction In 1999. Since then, downloading- or peer-2-peer sharing- has become one of the worst acts of technology affecting the world at large.Since the introduction of Anapest back in the year 2000, many more PEP sharing outworks have been invented to keep the illegal industry alive that left the ARIA in a fix. However, in the light of such programs there has also been uproar of other legal PEP programs that offer the same speed for a price. Many people dont believe in paying a price to get their music. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Piracy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The ARIA, which collectively represents every major and minor artist out in the market right now has been slapped with programs taking profits from the artist as well as the industry It self.In an effort to control pirating, the ARIA, according to an article in Information Week, the ARIA has been trying to reassure people to stop downloading by sending out more than . .. 400 letters to 13 U. S. Unlettered advising of potential copyright Infringement lawsuits against students (Degrade. 2007. ) The Issue here Is though, the letters are Just half the solution. What happens to the finances of the artist. Times have changed and unlike back in the time of a young Michael Jackson, artists dont make their money in music sales.It used to be- before the threat of PEP networks- that records were being certified 8 and 10 times platinum because of sales. Now a days artists like Maria Carrey, who had a 2005 comeback debut with the Emancipation of Mimi, make the majority of their profits with the sale of tickets for concerts. Maria Carrey who experienced international success with the album went on to get a certification of three times platinum with In Just two months of release. (Billboard. 2007. ) This certification however doesnt take into consideration the number of downloads that were happening before the release up to the date of certification.As the ARIA cracks down on scaring people to get their act together and to purchase songs legally, other orgasm like tunes, the operating program behind the pod and also one of the main (legal) online music providers in the world, has provided an inexpensive way to legally get songs from an internet based program with out all the repercussions of dealing with the ARIA. Although its more common now to use tunes as a music staple, there are people who despite the legality and popularity of the program prefer and advertise the use of the compact disc in its entirety.In An article by Valerie Block of Crannies New York Business, she states thats she wasnt into the free and dangerous downloading websites and programs (Block. 007. ) But as tunes became so popular, she enjoyed the ease of Buying singles for 99 cents and albums for 10 bucks. Like Block, many consumers dont enjoy forking over almost twenty dollars for a disc of material when In fact all they want Is one song. Doug Morris, who Is the head of universal Music Group, wants to- as said by Block- weaken the four-year-old e-tailed;s (tunes) grip on digital music sales. (Block-2007. ) Just as are also people who believe that programs like tunes are taking away the meaning of the entire piece of material by Just downloading single tracks. Personally, as someone who has been downloading music from both tunes and Ares Pro, I fail to see why it would affect the artist in such a manner. To my knowledge, all the artist cares about is the opportunity for their fans to enjoy their material and also to be able to make a profit from it.Block, who is an avid tunes downloaded states that rapper turned business mogul Jay-Z has refused to put his latest work in the tunes store. (Block. 2007. ) The rapper who Just released a theme C. D. Called American Gangster based on the theme of the movie featuring Denned Washington, stated in he article, his album should be purchased in its entirety, like, say, a Picasso. (CTD. In check. ) The issue of downloading programs legality has- in my opinion- been blown Nay out of proportion in many ways.These efforts dont do anything for the artists, as they are depriving the consumers a chance to enjoy the material that the artist have Nortek hard for them to enjoy. Besides, who is the recording industry kidding, no matter the amount of downloads that go on in a day, artists still make money. Between every time a song is played on the radio, played as an advertisement stunt the next Pentane commercial, modeling gigs and appearances and other business endorsements they are making more money than many people.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Organizational Mode Effective Communication -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discus About The Organizational Mode Effective Communication? Answer: Introducation The initial psychometric assessment is to assess the verbal communications competence. This assessment portrays how an individual behaves with other people to involve then during discussion. I have achieved 107 in this evaluation and that projects that I have good intrapersonal skills though there are room for improvement. I listen to what others are saying and I welcome any new ideas what others may suggest. Generally I try to get to know the frame of reference along with the perception of the others. I have seen that I do not proactively react to an issue in order to solve it and this is something that should be improved by me. The second evaluation demonstrates the self-observed competence of communications result that shows my competence to communicate with individuals of various categories like friends, strangers and acquaintances. In this assessment I got 82 in average and that shows that I am rather comfortable with talking to the friends than the strangers and I have to improve my skills to communicate with large groups. The third assessment shows the assessment of the skills of individuals. This evaluation helps to assess whether a person can be a good team member or the leader of the team. In this assessment I got 53 that reveal that I have the potential to be a good team member and at times I show some behaviours learnt from my team members. I have seen that I tend to accept the opinions of my team members and at times feel pressurized when I need to solve an issue within a short time span. These things reflect that I need to improve my ability to understand a discussion more efficiently and to project my opinion on that at the same time as well. Then I will be able to improve my leadership qualities eventually. The fourth evaluation is the self-report of non-verbal immediacy scale that focuses on the tonal quality of the speed, body language, eye contact or movements of the hands at the time of a discussion. These features help to understand how the persons are interested to continue the conversation. I achieved 84 in this assessment that shows that my skills of communication are average. I use my hands in order to make a point in a conversation and I make eye contacts frequently in order to check whether the other person is getting what I am trying to say or not. On the other hand, I use a range of vocal expression and sometimes get stiff while talking to others; these aspects need to be improved. The final psychometric evaluation is associated with the skills of presentation using which I can attract the attention of the audience in a conversation. I scored 56 in this assessment and that shows that I can present something in a well manner and can also get the attention of the audience quickly due to the good content of the presentation. The evaluation asserts that my preferences are using visuals in the presentation so that the the audience can relate to the content. On the other hand, I do not get familiar with the room of the presentation that exposes my to some sort of problems and makes me nervous at times. I ask my audience to raise questions if they get confused with my content and I try to provide some examples to make my content more understandable. Apart from these I tend to give in some evidences to make my points even stronger and trustworthy. Two issues The two main issues found from the five evaluations are the communicating with ease in the presence if larger group and lack of showcasing leadership style. I allow other individuals to give their opinions and in general welcome their opinion. I think that taking action is the most accepted thing for a solution can motivate the employees to work as they feel they are asset of the organization. But at times in critical position, when there is o time left to arrange meetings and I need to direct the employees, I feel pressurized. The second issue in this regard is that I hesitate to make a point while talking to a large group of people. The main issue in this regard is that I think more regarding the other individuals concern and their reaction if they do not like my point. Reflection on 2 interactions I was chosen for the role of an assistant manager and there I had to take decisions of team shuffle among the various departments. To achieve these criteria, I had to observe the level of competence of the each employee and had to form new teams in order to achieve the targets set by the management of the organization. I had chosen to gather feedbacks from the employees regarding the new team formation and whether the new plans are effective or not. In these cases, I think acrobatic leadership style will be the most appropriate one. The following incident is associated with the incident stated above. I had arranged a mass meeting and I did not know all the employees of that organization. I had prepared a speech for the meeting on the effectiveness of team shuffling, but I could not deliver all that I intend to due to my issues regarding communicating with large groups. Communication as a concept: According to Kernbach, Eppler and Bresciani (2015), the process of two or more than two people sharing their perception or thought process can be considered as the communicational approach. There are two ends of a communication process: the sender of the message and the receiver of the message. When a person requires sharing his or her thoughts or concerns, they can communicate easily. There are various categories of communication: visualization, written communication, non-verbal communication and verbal communication. The person involved in a verbal communication has to use a medium such as television, telephone or radio, on the other hand, the non-verbal communication involves body language, gestures, movement of hands, eye-contact etc. As indicated by Bove, Thill and Raina (2016), the written communication involves letters, books, emails, magazine, social media websites in order to communicate with each other. There is another type of communication, visualization, which involves u sage of graphs, charts and other picture representations for expressing views. Significance of Communication: As a process, communication tends to allow people to find out about various traditions and cultures. Within a business organization, people can come from various cultural backgrounds who are working at a same place, therefore through an effectual communication process; they can share their thoughts and knowledge with each other (Cornelissen Cornelissen, 2017). This procedure can enhance achieving the organizational objectives and goals. Therefore this can be beneficial for the firm in the long run. In addition to that, it should be noted that there are various departments within an organization that are working on a same project. Effectual communication process is helpful for the managers for avoiding the resource allocation for a same task. If there is effective communication amongst employees they can coordinate and cooperate with each other. Therefore it can save a huge amount of economic resources and cost. Goetsch and Davis (2014), has indicated that effectual communication within an organization is not always face to face communication, rather it can be done through notice boards and bulletins of the office or through emails. Other than these, communication process can also be helpful for dealing with the comparatively new employees in the organization. If an individual employee is not feeling quite comfortable in the organization, he or she can let the organization know about the issue through verbal communication (Samovar et al., 2014). Moreover, it has also been indicated that within the organizational context, the employees can also share their concerns in a formal way through email. Therefore it can be said that effectual communication process helps each employee of the organization to share their issues and concerns. Along with that, employees can also share their concerns on any kind of adverse situation the organization is facing at the current time. Shannon Weaver's Model of Communication Shannon Weaver's Model of Communication has been developed by Warren Weaver and Claude Elwood Shannon in 1948. The primary features of this particular communicational model are: encoder, decoder, sender, channel, noise and receiver (Al-Fedaghi, 2012). This model states that the sender within the communication is responsible for creating the message and then he or she chooses the appropriate channel for passing the message. This has also been indicated that the encoder can be considered as the machine which is responsible fir converting the message in binary codes in order to make the machine understand the specific data and information in a message. The channel works as the medium and helps the message to pass through it. The receiver is the one who stays at the receiving end of the communication process and provide necessary feedback though the same channel. The decoder works as another machine that tends to convert the binary code in the regular message so that the receiver can und erstand the actual message. In this model, noise is considered as the external feature which can be applied within certain environment through people. This can cause immediate disruption in the communicational process. This model can be utilized in the regular operational activities within any business organization. Marketers communicating with their clients through the medium of telephone are one of the major instances of this model. As stated by McQuail and Windahl (2015) if there is high amount of noise present in the communication process the client or the person at the receiving end of the communication may not be able to understand the message clearly. In this kind of a conversation, the marketer us the sender of the communication and the telephone operator company is the encoder. The network works as the channel of communication as it helps the communication to flow. The phone at the marketers end is the decoder of the communication and the client is the receiver here. Face negotiation theory The face negotiation theory shows that the conflict style differences among the individualistic cultures. The collectivist culture values the group and thus adopts a conflict style to integrate to provide others mutual face (Mindess, 2014). The individualistic cultures actually put value in the persons and try to protect the self-face. In this manner the individuals adopts a conflict style that is often seen a dominating one. Social exchange theory The theory of social theory deals with the economic exchange regarding the intrapersonal relationships. That means the relationships gets improved by if each others satisfy each others self-interest (Goleman, 2017). According to this theory the self-interest is not at all a bad thing and it can be seen as an idea that builds a relationship. Berlo's SMCR Model of Communication This model is considered as an extension of the previous communication model. Moreover, this model also includes various characteristics of different aspects of the communication process for making the entire communication process more effective. Turaga (2016) has indicated that decoding and encoding of the message have been more emphasized in this model. The main features of the communication process described in this model are: message, channel, sender and receiver. This model says that the message can be considered as the content or the factors of discussion. The sender conveys his or her perception or thought through this message. In addition to that, the code and the structure of the message are very much important while creating the message. The channel refers to the medium utilized for delivering the message. Newell (2012) has stated that the channels are mostly technical apparatuses or the senses of any human being, such as seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting. The sender of the message is mostly considered as the source of the entire communication process. The sender requires having basic knowledge on the culture, social system or the social attitude. This helps to enhance the process. There should also be an effectual understanding between the receiver and sender for making a proper communication. Communication skills of a leader The leaders are expected to have few skills of communication. They should have fundamental non-verbal expertise for making their employees understand that they are interested in their issues (Goleman, 2017). Leaning the body or making eye contact can be effective. They should also listen carefully to the employees for understanding their situation. A good leader should have knowledge about the perception of the employees for making right decision. However it has also been said that autocratic leadership should be followed if employees need guidance to deal with a situation (Mindess, 2014). Also, if the leader tends to follow the contingency styles of leadership, they are expected to listen to all the employees and make the decision even if they do not get enough support. These leaders are seen to be job-oriented. Contributing factors for improving communication within a group: Therefore, it can be said that while making any conversation, there are different kinds of distractions. If there are too many issues, the primary points should be written for preparing the presentation. It can be helpful for sticking to the agenda and focus on the main aspects of the topic. Another factor that enhances the communication is the choice of works. Some organizations prefer using informal ways to deal with situation whereas some prefer a formal way (Sorrells, 2015). Therefore on the basis of the gravity of the situation, it can be changed References Al-Fedaghi, S. (2012). A Conceptual Foundation for the Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication.International Journal of Soft Computing,7(1), 12-19. Bove, C. L., Thill, J. V., Raina, R. L. (2016).Business communication today. Pearson Education India. Cornelissen, J., Cornelissen, J. P. (2017).Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Goleman, D. (2017).Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Jandt, F. E. (2017).An introduction to intercultural communication: Identities in a global community. Sage Publications. Kernbach, S., Eppler, M. J., Bresciani, S. (2015). The use of visualization in the communication of business strategies: An experimental evaluation.International Journal of Business Communication,52(2), 164-187. 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