Thursday, January 30, 2020

Philosophy on Guidance and Classroom Management Essay Example for Free

Philosophy on Guidance and Classroom Management Essay My philosophy on guidance and classroom management includes the ideas that as an educator I am responsible for providing an environment that allows each child to explore their own innate curiosity. NAEYC Standards states in regard to promote child development and learning an educator must be knowledgeable and understanding the multiple influences on early development and learning. Using developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments for young children in which I will provide an environment that exhibits compassion, that is secure, caring, and a stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. I will allow children to become responsible members of the community by using strategies such as positive discipline and democratic principles. I will demonstrate to the children how to become responsible for themselves as well as their own learning. I will present curriculum that involves the interests of the children and make learning relevant to life. This will be operated through thematic units, projects, small group activities as well as hands on activities and individual assignments in order to make the children active learners. STANDARD 2: BUILDING FAMILY AND COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS It is my responsibility to ensure parents that the classroom will promote a positive learning experience; they will receive a handbook that will provide detailed information on policies and procedures. I will provide a curriculum that demonstrates meaningful experiences that respond to the children’s strengths, interests and needs. I will provide access to information (such as a class website) and newsletter rather than acting as the primary source of information. Students and parents will be provided with access to hands on activities that will allow adequate time and space to use materials that reinforce the lesson being studied for an opportunity for individual discover and construction of knowledge to occur. Parents will have an opportunity to schedule conferences for face to face interaction three times within the school year. Based on NAEYC second standard, which states to build family and community relationships, Based on NAEYC second standard, which states to build fam ily and community relationships, there will be an open door policy that will allow parents to interact with his/her child during the course of the day as well as special pop in visits. This will not only allow the parents to feel a part of the educational program but will also show their children their interest in their learning. In order to promote the most supportive classroom for children’s healthy development I would incorporate three components which would help to ensure continuity in children’s development: developmentally appropriate curricula, parents and school collaboration, and community support and services provided by social service agencies building supportive relationships with parents will influence these three components, this will help parents understand and sanction what is being taught. It is important that a well functioning classroom be aligned with the NAEYC standards. A classroom teacher has an ethical responsibility to the children. The teacher must recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities and potential of each child. It is imperative that support is given to each child allowing them to play and learn in an inclusive environment, one that meets the needs of children with and without disabilities. Teachers also have a responsibility to the parents. Teachers should develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families that are being provided and educational service. Teachers should always make every effort to communicate effectively with all families in a language that they understand. As well as inform families about the nature and purpose of all assessments that are used with their children. In regard to providing information about injuries and accidents, as well as risks of exposures to communicable diseases that might result in infection, the teacher will notify parents in a timely manner through verbal communication, flyers, and classroom postings. A classroom that is built on a solid foundation has dynamic classroom management techniques, showers their children with an abundance of love, as well as respect for families is a classroom that also follows Developmentally Appropriate Practices outlined by the National Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC). Based on the Developmentally Appropriate Practices set forth by NAEYC, in regards to educators within the preschool-primary spectrum the goal is not for children to learn primary grade skills at an earlier age; it is for their teachers to take the first steps together to ensure that young children develop and learn, to be able to acquire such skills and understandings as they progress in school. References: Lombardi, J. (1992). Beyond transition: Ensuring continuity in5 early childhood services. ERIC Digest. Urbana, IL: ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How Michael Henchards Character In the Mayor of Casterbridge Led to hi

Why Michael Henchard’s Character Led to His Misery and Demise The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy is a novel about the rising and plummeting of a complex man named Michael Henchard. Michael Henchard does not just have one characteristic or just one personality for that matter. His personality can be described as thoughtful and strong-minded but also as ruthless, stubborn and cold. Henchard's impulsiveness, aggressive attitude, childishness and selfish nature made failure and misery inevitable in his life. The essence of his character is the root of his demise and misery. Michael Henchard’s pride and stubbornness leads to the start of his demise. When we first meet Henchard he is a dejected hay-trusser of twenty-one years, who is married to his wife Susan, with a young daughter, Elizabeth Jane. We see Henchard sell his wife and daughter in a drunken rage in a furmity tent at a county fair. It starts out first as a joke, but then is turned foul. "Why shouldn't they put 'em up and sell 'em by auction to men who are in need of such articles? Hey? Why, begad, I'd sell mine this minute if anybody would buy her!" Henchard said. The main reasons for Henchard continuing on with his joke to sell his wife and daughter to a sailor were his pride as well as the effect of the alcohol. Drinking alcohol leads to a couple decisions that Henchard comes to regret. In fact he often regrets things after he does them, and suffers the consequences. An example of this would be the fact that he sold his wife and daughter to a complete stranger for only five guineas. That sin stays nestled on his conscience and haunts him not only right after, but throughout his life. Henchard was young and naive and felt that his wife and daughter wer... ...titude. â€Å"Henchard’s Will: ‘That Elizabeth Jane Farfrae be not told of my death, or made to grieve on a account of me. And that I be not buried in consecrated ground. And that no sexton be asked to toll the bell. SL And that nobody’s wish to see my dead body.’† Michael Henchard’s constant exercise of jealousy, pride, immature actions and overwhelming emotions bring him to his tragic end. Although Henchard might have you think he is a victim, the reader can see that his personality leads to the conclusion of his downfall and that Henchard’s inability to learn from his first mistakes takes him down a path no one wants to face. He might have been able to survive his mistakes had he not been so self-destructive. But because of the combination of his personality traits and the complexity of his character’s mind, he is eventually led to the nothingness that engulfs him.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Aim in Life Essay

Most people in the world have some ambitions in life. A petty merchant has an ambition to become a big business man, a clerk to be a high officer, a student to be a doctor or engineer. Some desire for wealth, some desire for fame and reputation. A proper aim in life keeps a person shining and glowing in his future life. My aim in life is neither to collect money this or by that way nor for fame. It is my desire to become a well qualified doctor or a scientist. I do not just wish to be an ordinary doctor who spends his times in his laboratory trying to find out new drugs and medicines to remove the suffering of millions of people. The world remembers with thankfulness the name of the man who gave to the world vaccination. The world will remember forever the man who gave us penicillin. As a doctor it is my real wish to server the badly suffering humanity too. Our country is still under development and it has become necessary for all of us, especially for doctors to acheive sound progress in the field of new drugs and medicines, And for the prosperity and solidarity of pakistan we should work hard with spiritual zeal and zeast. I have an ambition to do something in this world so great as the doctors and the courages founders did in the past. I would like to give the world some new drugs and injections that will cure some of the many disease that people are still suffering from. In my opinion, wealth, fame and any other kind of materialistic gain are hollow and baseless if earned through unfair means. In my ambition, it is great wish to help the suffering people. For lawful earnings it will be my foremost dut to server the humanity, by going to the rural areas of this under developed country in order to help the poor and humble people for their happiness and entire satisfaction.